
Conference Proceedings

All authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit (optional) a conference paper for evaluation (see Important Dates). All accepted short papers after the peer-review process will be published as chapters in the conference proceedings by Springer. The registered author(s) of each accepted paper will receive a "Springer Certificate of Acceptance" certifying that the paper has been accepted for publication in the conference proceedings.

The proceedings of the 6th EMCEI will be published online on 31 January 2026 by Springer. All authors will receive a soft copy of the proceedings shortly after online publication.

The proceedings of 1st Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration ( 1st EMCEI ) was published in the Springer/IEREK ASTI book series in November 2017. It gives a general and brief overview on current research focusing on emerging environmental issues and challenges and its applications to a variety of problems in the Euro-Mediterranean zone and surrounding regions. It contains over 580 carefully refereed short contributions to the conference. The 1st EMCEI proceedings is now indexed in Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science (CPCI-S) and Scopus.

Recent Advances in Environmental Science
from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions

Proceedings of Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-1), Tunisia 2017

The proceedings of 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration ( 2nd EMCEI ) was published in the Springer ESE book series in 2020. It also gives an overview on current research focusing on various environmental issues in the Euro-Mediterranean zone and surrounding regions. It contains three hundred and seventy-seven carefully refereed short contributions to the conference.

Recent Advances in Environmental Science
from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (2nd Edition)

Proceedings of Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-2), Tunisia 2019

The proceedings of the 3rd EMCEI and 4th EMCEI are now available in the SpringerLink Digital Library (on the EMCEI page) and indexed in Scopus:

The proceedings of the 5th EMCEI and 6th EMCEI will be made available in the SpringerLink Digital Library (on the EMCEI page) which is directly linked to Research Gate and will be published in Springer/IEREK ASTI series which is indexed in Scopus:

ASTI Series

Note that authors of accepted papers in the conference proceedings and who do not plan to attend the 7th EMCEI should also register before the deadline of 31 March 2025 (see Important Dates and Registration).

If you are not sure whether you or one of your co-authors will be able to attend the conference, you should bear in mind that there is a fee to be paid before 31 March 2025 to cover the editorial handling and evaluation of your paper before publication in the conference proceedings (see Registration).

The accepted paper will not be included in the conference proceedings without paying the fee. If you pay the fee and decide to attend the conference afterward, the paid amount will be deduced from your total registration fee.

The proceedings of the 7th EMCEI will include research studies covering the Conference Tracks, and will be edited by the most active reviewers.

Oral Communications

There are three types of oral communications:

  • In-person PowerPoint (PPT) presentation of 13 minutes (followed by 2-minutes Q/A).
  • Online (recorded) PPT presentation of 13 minutes (followed by 2-minutes Q/A).
  • In-person e-Poster presentation of 8 minutes during a session of two hours.

Best Paper Awards

During the conference the best paper selected from each conference track, as judged by the session conveners, will receive awards (see Conference Tracks).

Decisions are based on the following criteria:

The winning authors will receive the “EMCEI Award for Outstanding Paper,” and will be presented with a commemorative certificate and will be acknowledged during the awards ceremony (see the Conference Program).

The most active reviewers and editors will also receive EMCEI awards and certificates of appreciation and will be acknowledged during the awards ceremony.

Special Issues

The 7th EMCEI scientific committee has agreed with the Editors-in-Chief of the following journals to publish high-quality topical collections (special issues) on cross-cutting themes from the earth and environmental sciences:

Authors of the selected papers will be notified on 31 July 2025 to start preparing an extended version of their proceedings papers or accepted (short) abstracts for submission in one of these EMCEI special issues. All papers will be peer-reviewed by the editors of each journal before final acceptance for publication.

More special issues will be announced soon.

Publication Plan: Summary

Publication Plan: Summary